Friday Fireside: Equality of Women and Men
This will be a live, online program – use the link below to join.
Equality of Women and Men
“The world of humanity has two wings—one is women and the other men.
Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly.”
“Only as women are welcomed into full partnership in all fields of human endeavor
will the moral and psychological climate be created in which international peace can emerge.”
(Quotes taken from the Bahá’í Writings)
– Is establishing the equality of men and women essential to establishing world peace?
– Why is it important to personal growth and spiritual progress?
– What are the Bahá’í Teachings on the equality of women and men?
Join us as we discuss the importance of the equality of the sexes.
Friday, April 10th 2020
Program begins at 7:00 PM
Use the following link to join the program:
Firesides are informal presentations and discussions about religion, society and the Bahá’í Faith. This is the first in a series of discussions entitled:
World Peace: A Tactical Approach
During this series we will examine how The Bahá’í Faith reaches beyond simply espousing a desire for world peace. Bahá’ís believe that we have been given a divine plan enumerating the essential aspects of social and personal advancement necessary for achieving world unity and peace.
In this series of three open discussions, each will focus on a specific aspect of the Bahá’í approach to carrying forward an ever-advancing civilization, realizing personal growth and establishing global peace and harmony.
Future Topics will include:
Elimination of Racial Prejudice – Friday, April 17th
How does the Bahá’í Faith approach this, the “most challenging issue” facing our nation? What are the implications of racial prejudice on justice, peace, individual and social maturity and growth? Join us as we discuss the role of religion, the role of society and the role of the individual in eliminating this blight on humanity.
Oneness of Religion and
Freedom from Religious Exclusivity – Friday, April 24th
Prejudice in any form is a barrier to spiritual and cultural progress – religious prejudice is no exception. The teachings of the Bahá’í Faith themselves state: “If religion becomes the source of antagonism and strife, the absence of religion is to be preferred.” How can we change how we view other faiths? What exactly is the Bahá’í Faiths take on other religions? Join us to discuss religious exclusivity and religious unity.
An Introduction to the Bahá’í Faith Fireside is held every Tuesday at 6:00 PM for those interested in learning more about the basic teachings, beliefs and history of the Bahá’í Faith. For more information about Tuesday Firesides, including a link to join them online, click here.